“Triangle of Sadness”

Andrea Martins
1 min readOct 22, 2022


“Beauty is a currency, it’s attractive but also scary” those are the words of the Swedish filmmaker Ruben Ostlund, who has written, direct and edit the film that won Palm de Or in Cannes this year. Triangle of Sadness, has a amazing casting and delivery so many messages and maybe everyone will a get something different. My perception is, the movie is good picture of the world we are living now, how the shift of values has make humans forgot what is important in the end of the day. How cheap and lower can you get for pleasure or power? How bad can you act, to get where you want to be in life? Beauty, money, power it isn’t all in life, but what else people are after? The director brings all messages with a huge sense of humor. I believe the movie industry has been looking for this type a very entertain story as life is been so harsh and sad already. I got to see the movie on the opening of Mostra Internacional de Cinema na Cinemateca em São Paulo this year, great night, great story, great great movie and to make even better, Woody Harrelson plays the Capitan. Oh Yes, the captain of my heart! Go see it :)



Andrea Martins

When I was 03 or 04 years old, I used to play alone most of the time, with my imaginary friends, that makes me believe I can create my own world and write :)