Andrea Martins
2 min readMar 18, 2020


05 days at Home and I feel fine …

I’ve been through worst days, actually it hasn’t been bad days at all. Besides, the part that I did a tooth surgery on Friday, that I was in pain, couldn’t speak, had to be resting anyway, I was already prepared to stay home. So, when we finally had the news, media and whole world telling us to be at home, I was already there. I have this thing, I love people but I love to be home, stay quite, read, meditate, away from the noise its the only way I can channel with my inner voice and its the best world I can be, so at least for myself. Whatever ecos inside, it doesn’t bother me, actually the opposite, makes me feel save, in love, in peace in the flow of life.

Takes time to start to turn it in, during this last years, meditation has helped me a lot and for sure to be in nature, its the key of all. But right now, in the city, in my beautiful small apartment, that has light, some food and space enough for what I need at the moment, I can be tuned and in peace, that makes me happy. That makes me a lucky one, comparing to the ones that doesn’t have home or even has no health conditions at moment to deal with COVID-19. Thanks anyway!

Yesterday, It was the first day that I actually put my nose out the apartment. Walking on the streets, I felt funny, like on those movies scenes, where the world has ended and its only you and nobody else there. It wasn’t really like Children of Men, because looking for the positive side, none its really bombing the streets yet like on the movie, but I guess the feelings are the same. You feel scare, lonely, the sky is grey, you have no control and there’s no turning back. Either way, what do you do? Nothing. There’s no money, power, speech or war that can win that virus. You can stay still. You can choose to tune the right and hi vibration. You can choose to reinvent the way to do things and in the end, be health.



Andrea Martins

When I was 03 or 04 years old, I used to play alone most of the time, with my imaginary friends, that makes me believe I can create my own world and write :)